Only A Glimpse

One of my favorite things in life is singing! And if there’s an opportunity to sing with a choir, most likely you can find me there. 

My earliest memories of singing in a choir are with Minerva Comunity Choir. This Christmas season, we did a weekend tour in the northeast Ohio area. 

On Saturday, we spent most of the day in Pittsburgh – doing a good amount of exploring and shopping and learning. Our first stop was the Cathedral of Learning, where we toured a few nationality rooms and sang at the Heinz chapel. 

The Heinz Chapel


obligatory bathroom selfie!


Julia and I had the same thought at the same time. She looked at me and said, “Lets go to the top,” and so we did.


Our tour coordinator, Jotham, has the regal look down pat. Capturing the moment is Marian.


the Indian Nationality Room


from the Ukrainian Nationality Room.


The Cathedral of Learning


Behind-the-scenes of a group shot in front of the Heinz Chapel


inside the Heinz Chapel


and this is for you, Barbara!


and then in the evening, we went to East Liverpool, OH, and sang at the end of their Christmas parade. Nathan and Mari Beth Miller, and Katrina Byler joined me on the sidewalk.


it was so cooold!

I hope you enjoyed the little journey into Pittsburgh with me!

Five Months of Chante

Today I’d like to share with you one of my life’s greatest joys!

About five months ago, God blessed our family with a brand new generation. We have a brand new daughter, niece, and granddaughter, and her name is Chante Brielle! We truly have been en’chante’d. (See what I did there?)


And now here are some of my favorite iPhone photos:

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